How to Get Mac Eyeshadow Out of Palette? 3 Quick Steps

I required a perfect solution to adjust my small individual rounded MAC eyeshadows to fit into one. No trick came into my mind when the glance at the TV cleared my confusion, and I did my first DIY on How to get MAC Eyeshadow Out of the Palette.

You must start by carving out the plastic pan from the eyeshadow pot with the help of a pointed object. Release the eyeshadow from the plastic pan by melting the glue between them. Once the glue is cleaned, now is the time to place the eyeshadow into your desired palette or CD case by attaching a magnetic strip.

Getting eyeshadow out of the pan is simple, but you must have some initial knowledge to protect yourself and your surroundings from catching fire. Since the method requires a candle, lighter, or flat iron, you must be conscious while releasing MAC eyeshadows. Need to know how you can do it? Read the article to the end. 

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How to get Mac Eyeshadow Out of Palette?

Creating a DIY palette is fun when you know it is from your favorite makeup brand. Similarly, MAC eyeshadows come in a wide range of shades, and collecting them in one spot is not everyone’s tea. You can get different makeup dupes of eyeshadows also. 

Also, gathered eyeshadows do not put me in hassle while collecting all my favorite shades from nooks and corners during travel. 

1- Remove Plastic Insert

How to remove MAC eyeshadow from single? Fidgeting with the eyeshadow in your hand does not get you unharmed color. You must look for the thin dividing line above the compact notch that separates the eyeshadow plastic housing and pot. Wiggle the knife back and forth in the insert that binds with the bottom. 

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Remember not to twist the knife or press it too hard. It is a matter of gentle wiggling, and there you go with your plastic housing released from the container.

Pro tip: if you run out of a pointed knife, use a pair of tweezers, a spatula, a butter knife, or a flathead screwdriver to fulfill the purpose. 

2- Remove Eyeshadow Pan

The next step is to separate the plastic pan to get the steel plate out. Be aware while doing it, as it favors help from a candle or lighter. You can melt the glue between the plastic housing and the steel pan by keeping it above the candle for 30 seconds or 1 minute until the adhesive loosens.

Warning: hold the plastic housing several inches above the candle flame with pliers so it cannot touch fire. 

Hold your pointed object again and press it from below so that the steel pan gets dislodged from its place. You can quickly insert the knife or spatula inside to free the pan from the plastic. When dealing with a hot pan, avoid touching it with bare hands; you prefer to wear gloves. 

3- Give Your Eyeshadow a New Residence

After the pan gets cool down, arrange your DIY palette or a CD case to fit the eyeshadow in its place. I used the magnetic strips and pasted them below the pan so that it does not fall off when fixed inside the CD case or a crayon box. 

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How to Take Mac Eyeshadow out of Palette?

Taking mac eyeshadow out of the palette is challenging as it demands your focused mind while leaving the worries aside. In addition, the fun fact is that you can do it either way you want. 

  • Look for the thin line that separates the plastic insert and container
  • Turn the knife back and forth inside the separating until the plastic pan pops out.
  • Set your flat iron to its highest heat level and place it on a level surface.
  • Place the eyeshadow plastic insert over the straightener plate
  • Hold on for a few seconds until the glue melts
  • Press the knife from the back helps release the pan
  • Clean the glue and place it within a new palette.
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How Do You Remove Mac Eyeshadow From Palette?

How to Depot Mac Eyeshadow? (without heat) What if I say you can depot Mac eyeshadow without using heating tools? Isopropyl alcohol comes to the rescue and cracks the deal effectively. However, the initial steps of pulling out the plastic housing from the bottom are the same.

The next step is to pour the 99% isopropyl alcohol into a small dish and fill in the medicine dropper. You have to drip the drops of alcohol all around the area between the eyeshadow pan and the plastic. Let it sit for 30 seconds or 1 minute. 

As the required time passes, insert the pointed object within the space that holds the glue. Now you are successful in deporting your MAC eyeshadow without using heat. 

Pro tip: the best alternative to a dropper is cotton swabs, and you must squeeze them around to get the glue to loosen speedily.

Preventive Measures

After reading the article, you will go to the depot for your MAC eyeshadow. Since it is not easy, you must remember several tips while dealing with candles or other makeup popping-out products.

  • Keep a trivet close to your work area when dealing with candles.
  • Also, take ample time in prying the eyeshades out of the compact.
  • If it does not leave the surface, continue wiggling the knife
  • I recommend you utilize tea light candle to do the purpose
  • Do not force the eyeshadow to come out; if you notice glue resists, turn back to the previous step of melting the glue again
  • Give your straightener its time to reach desired heat setting
  • Wear gloves and grab pliers when dealing with hot steel pan
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Can you Revive Old Eyeshadow?

Reviving old eyeshadow is no longer challenging these days. Whether you have broken eyeshadow or bronzer, dropping a few drops of alcohol will fix it. You must convert makeup products into powder and add rubbing alcohol until it becomes a thick paste. Adjust it into the pan and leave it overnight. As the alcohol evaporates, your makeup will again revive in its solid form. 

How Do You Clean Eyeshadow Palette without Alcohol?

Makeup spreading everywhere on the palette does not present a good sight. You can clean it off using a cotton pad dampened with micellar water. Also, you can utilize makeup brush cleaner to remove the extra makeup from the palette. 

Final Words

Learned everything on How to Get Mac Eyeshadow Out of Palette? As you learn the quick steps of taking Mac eyeshadow out of the palette, it is your turn to convert your boring-looking makeup palette to turn into time-saving and be filled with happier colors. Remember to follow preventive instructions while doing the process, as safety must be your priority.