Can You Wear Makeup After Nose Piercing? Tips and Methods

Comparing the piercing, whether the nose or ear, to applying makeup demands specific safety measures. Wearing makeup after a nose piercing raises the question among makeup aspirants that I feel to answer: Can You Wear Makeup After Nose Piercing?

Practicing nose piercing has been the fashion for centuries. It enhances your facial features or makes you stand out. Yes, wearing makeup is OK after a nose piercing as it gives new dimensions to the face. With makeup, nose piercing acts as the icing on the cake.

As a makeup artist, I have done various experimented looks with many piercings. In this post, I will give you a description of applying makeup after a nose piercing. It’s treatment and how you can speed up the healing process. 

Get an insight here: Can you wear makeup after Hydrafacial?

Can You Wear Makeup After Nose Piercing? 4 Easy Tips

I often suggest my clients not wear makeup after a fresh nose piercing because it takes 1-3 months to heal fully. If you cannot do without makeup, there are some precautionary ways to apply it. Here, I am explaining to my clients so they can follow my instructions to avoid infection or bacteria growth.

Use Fingertips

Fingertips work wonders when applying makeup to the piercing site. Even a clean sponge and makeup brush fail to fulfill the responsibility and, by chance, sweep the hole. Before applying makeup, start everything with clean and dry hands and go for a gentle dab on the infected area.

Pro tip: Avoid applying foundation or any product on the nose pin as it readily loses its shine.

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Choose Angle Brush

The Angle brush is one of all the makeup brushes that effectively works when the piercing gets on its healing track. An angle brush with a dot of the foundation is used only to cover the required areas. This makeup brush has a specific direction that camouflages the piercing area without penetrating the deep layers of makeup product into fresh piercing holes.

Freshly piercing gets easily infectious with irritation-causing agents of makeup. Also, environmental pollutants can collect over the area and cause swelling or bumps on the skin.  

Use Q-tips

The good-to-go tip for applying makeup after a nose piercing is using concealer with Q-tips. 

As we all know, concealers best hide blemishes, scarring, and discoloration. The brush may slip the foundation to the healing area; I advised my clients not to apply makeup on the piercing. Leave that surface and conceal it around the area to match the skin tone. Dabbing with cotton swabs easily blends makeup products without interfering with the nose piercing.

Avoid Powders and Setting Spray

Setting powders and loose powders are the worst enemies for nose piercing. Dusting off powder around or on the piercing area may cause the heal longer than before. Powders provide a smooth, build-up makeup look. Doing it in routine with a pierced nose can cause damage not only to the area but also to produce pus on the site.

To Avoid Powder, you better read this: How to Set Makeup Without Powder? Tips and Tricks

Setting sprays are droplets mixed with chemicals that can interact with the wound on the nose and cause redness and inflammation. I suggest to my loyal customers not to add powders for at least 2 months around the piercing in the makeup routine. 

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You can do the rest of the makeup easily. The only prevention is not to get too close to the piercing nose; otherwise, there is a greater risk of complication. Nose piercing adds extra jewel and shine to the face, and considering the time of the healing process is as necessary as wearing makeup. 

How Can I Make My Nose Piercing Heal Faster?

Nose piercing is a short-time task, but it takes months to heal completely. There are several ways to heal the pierced area quickly and do the daily chores easily. Doing makeup is also included in the daily routine. I elaborated on the instructions for you guys to adopt and follow to cure the healing faster so that wearing makeup becomes enjoyable to you as before.

  • Always clean the piercing site with clean hands.
  • Cleaning the area twice with saline water
  • Sea salt is best to cure bumps around the infected area
  • Moisturize the area with coconut oil

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Final thought

Makeup is enjoyable without worries, but with a fresh nose piercing, you have to change your makeup routine on the road to healing. So, Can You Wear Makeup After Nose Piercing? Yes, they can wear these Tips and methods. I advised how my clients wear makeup with nose piercing along with minute instructions to cure it in no time.