How to Look Sick with Makeup? Step by Step Guide

Makeup is the weapon by which you can transform your look. To look sick with makeup on is trendy these days. Just the know-how of the proportion of the product, and there you create the look. In this article, I will answer the question of How to look sick with makeup.

I was invited to teach a makeup class where I had to develop an idea of appearing pale and sick using makeup. You can apply these steps and follow these makeup-applying techniques I opt for to create the sick look. 

 How to look sick with makeup? Steps And Tips

Wash Face And Apply Cleanser 

Firstly, I washed my face with a cleanser to free it from dirt or makeup residue. I made sure to give makeup a naked face to enhance its performance.

Light Foundation

I applied a lighter foundation shade to the entire face to create a pale look. The light shade foundation also helped to lose all the color of the face. And always repot your makeup, so to keep the impact.

Apply Bronzer

Then put some sickly effects on the cheeks by applying bronzer. Wearing bronzer to create a specific look is tricky.

Choose maroon eyeshadow for this and start from the earlobes to the corner of the mouth and blend it in. Now create the laugh lines by using a purple color pencil to show the intensity of my illness.

Use Cream Blush

I avoided using blush on my cheeks. Instead, I applied a cream blush to the center of my nose to create a runny look. Looking sick without a runny nose is a matter of fakeness. For this, I used red and gently blended it with my fingertips.

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Pro tip: The effect of a sore nose create the instant fever look.

Read a guide on avoiding makeup separating on Nose: Why Does My Makeup Separate on My Nose?

Apply Light Foundation on the Lips 

To enhance my look, I made some effort on my lips to make them look dry and patchy. I applied a light shade foundation on the lips. 

TidbitPinching lips together while wearing foundation creates crease lines on the lips, effectively producing a sickly effect.

Take Eye Makeup – A Bit Serious 

Considering eye makeup is significant in creating a fake sick look. I started highlighting my eye bags by drawing a line from the inner corner and extending it to the bit. Then I pat it with my fingertips, so the makeup products blend smoothly. By this step, I would be successful in obtaining the weary look.

  • To look sick, I used a concealer brush and red color shade and glided it on the lower line of my eyes to make them puffy. 
  • Then I swipe red eyeliner on the outer corner of my eyelid to complete the look. 

Visiting doctor with eye makeup. Is it ok or not? Find out here: Can I Wear Eye Makeup to an Eye Exam? A Complete Guide

Use Setting Spray 

In the end, I used makeup setting spray to set all the products in place and prevent my look from smudging.

Final thought

Creating trendy looks in fashion is popular these days, and everyone is searching for a different and unique look. As a makeup greek, I thoroughly described the sick look I designed for you to follow.

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